Google Scholar Profile
Conference Publications
- Neil Walkinshaw, Mathew Hall. Inferring Computational State Machine Models from Program Executions. ICSME 2016.
- Mathew Hall, Muhammad Ali Khojaye, Neil Walkinshaw, and Phil McMinn, Establishing the Source Code Disruption Caused by Automated Remodularisation Tools, ICSME 2014.
- Mathew Hall and Phil McMinn, An Analysis of the Performance of the Bunch Modularisation Algorithm’s Hierarchy Generation Approach, SSBSE 2012.
- Mathew Hall, Neil Walkinshaw and Phil McMinn, Supervised Software Remodularisation, ICSM 2012.
- Ramsay Taylor, Mathew Hall, Kirill Bogdanov and John Derrick, Using behaviour inference to optimise regression test sets, ICTSS 2012.
- Mathew Hall, Search-based Hierarchy Generation for State Machines, ESEC/FSE 2011 Doctoral Symposium.
- Mathew Hall, Complexity Metrics for Hierarchical State Machines, SSBSE 2011 Grad- uate Student Track.
- Mathew Hall, Phil McMinn and Neil Walkinshaw, Superstate Identification for State Machines Using Search-Based Clustering, GECCO 2010.
PhD Thesis
Improving Software Remodularisation